I would be willing to support you on up grading the games since windows is being up dated to win 8.
Tom and for the rest of the game and simulator companies out there.
I like something that is as real as possible.
When I work on a project with sighted partners I alsays ask them to close their eyes and to see how they could get the same info across to a blind person for the main part sees through their ears. Tom, I'd be willing to help out when and were ever the game designers like yourself and otheres could use me. It would be nice to have force feedback written into the game but just up date the games so when and if we're force to jump to eight we wouldn't have to leave our favorites
Hope this makes sense.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
"that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week."
-----Original Message----- From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 6:12 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] A Possible Offer To Consider

Hi all,

In light of what is happening with Blindsoftware.com, formally BSC
Games,  I thought I would throw an offer out here that some of you
could consider and think about. Perhaps offer up your advice or
suggestions regarding this matter.

Based on my discussions with Justin via email he does not have the
source code for any of his games or software on the Blindsoftware.com
site, and all of the sound effects for said games are locked in pack
files that are encrypted. This means if a developer, any developer,
wanted to update those games he or she would have to start over from
scratch. Since all the games were written in Visual Basic 6, a
language no longer officially supported on newer Windows platforms all
the games would have to be rewritten anyway. However, considering the
sounds and music are encrypted and need to be repurchased it could get
expensive rewriting these games from scratch. This of course leads to
two important questions I have regarding these titles.

First, do you really want to see a developer spending time writing a
modern remake of these games. After all, there are currently a lot of
Space Invader clones out there like Judgment Day, Alien Outback, and
of course Troopanum so is it really worth it to rewrite Troopanum to
keep that game going?

Second, would you, the community, be willing to spend money on a
modern remake of Hunter, Pipe, Troopanum, etc if one was made? This
might be through donations or actual sales of the software, but is it
worth your money to have newer updated versions of these games?

Third, seeing that new sounds and music would have to be purchased it
wouldn't exactly be like the original. These would be strictly modern
remakes of the games with new sounds, new music, and would in their
own way be different games. Would you be interested in these games
even if they were a bit different from the BSC versions you have now?

The reason I am asking these questions is over the years I've seen a
lot of audio game developers come and go such as Danz Games, BSC
Games, PB Games, Lighttech Interactive, etc. Every time a developer
goes they leave behind a number of games people still want to play but
the games are no longer being updated or supported. It strikes me what
we need is something comparable to the mainstream Retro Remakes site
where interested audio game developers take on some of these abandoned
projects and either update or rewrite them to keep them available in
the community. I'd be willing to do this myself if there is enough
interest in the project.

In the end I think it comes down to what Cara was asking a few days
ago on the Audyssey List. If you, the community, want game developers
to continue writing and supporting accessible games you need to make
it worth their time. So the big question is are these games worth my
time and your money to make sure they work on Windows 8 and beyond as
well as bring them to new platforms?

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