Hi Josh,

Exactly. I think a lot of people got frustrated and upset with me
because when I wrote the initial version of Mysteries of the Ancients
it was being used as a sample application for the engine. /At the time
I wasn't seriously involved in developing the game itself and was
testing various things like audio, input, speech, building up the
usable classes for game objects etc. All or most of it was behind the
scenes. Now, that the engine is ready I am getting a lot of flack to
the effect people are tired of several false starts and stops when
those starts and stops had nothing to do with the game itself. They
don't seem to realize those rewrites etc were done because the game
engine was under active development and was evolving, and I played
around with the game some while testing the engine. that's why there
was something like 22 betas when a real project might only have a
couple of betas to work out any bugs before releasing the final


On 5/2/13, Draconis <i...@dracoent.com> wrote:
> I can empathize. Unfortunately, with this community, you're damned if you
> do, and damned if you don't. While Draconis worked on our new game engine, I
> kept pretty quiet about what we were doing. So everyone thought we were
> dead. A decision I still get flack for from time to time. But if you do all
> or much of your development publicly, as you have, people get frustrated
> with the unpredictable nature of the development process. It's very much
> getting caught between a rock and a hard place.
> For me, personally, keeping quiet about future plans is the only way I can
> stay sane and focussed on what I need to do, and not get distracted by the
> obnoxious minority.

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