Hi Tom.

In light of this debate, I did go and play Q9, and one thing struck me. Lots of people have tried! to develop games like Q9 but not many have been as successful, look at games like Battle Zone, indeed I would say that these are probably the most common type of audiogames people first try to make with Bgt and I've seen plenty of practice games and works in progress over on the audiogames.net forum that have employed the same idea. Yes, the 1D side scroller concept is very simple, but Q9 executed it particularly well, with the properties of how the attacks and enemies worked, the great sound and music, and Philip's extremely funny acting.

Could someone create a similar game in the future? very probably, however the number of people who have tried and not quite succeeded makes me think that there was a lot more care and craftsmanship in Q9 than the phrase "simple side scroller" would imply, which is precisely why it's sad that in future the game's availability will be so restricted thanks to one person's greed.

As I said previously, it's the very disrespect to Philip's great work on Q9 essentially turning a stand alone game into just an extra freeby for people who buy a very specific software package that gets up my nose, and I'm sorry that Philip didn't sell the rights to his game to someone more perceptive.

There really isn't much else to add to the hating on Greasy and it's developer that has not been said, my point however is that even a simple side scroller like Q9 requires quite some design, and Q9 had that design.


For example, enemy movement speed. I loved the points in Q9 when you'd be fighting wolves in the cave but then have a bear coming to get you. The bear moved slowly, but you couldn't generally inflict damage on it without it damaging you first, you thus had to coordinate your quick attacks against the wolves, the encroaching bear, and any bats in the area. Thus, even though Q9 was a side scroller with not much by way of enemey attack properties to play with, it still required you to judge a number of factors together, not just hear, react and hit as quickly as possible, not to mention preserving amo.

Whether the most recent entry in the side scroller category, Psycho strike has this level of design I don't know sinse I'm still waiting for the Xp issue to be fixed with the game in order to try it, but undoubtedly it's the design that went into Q9 that made it such a major release.

Indeed I remember at the time it was released five years ago that you yourself Tom said "well it's surprising how many people are enjoying such a simple arcade style game"

All the best,


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