Hi Shaun,

That hardly seems necessary, but you can do whatever you think is
right. I have a feeling Jeremy is correct when he said there is no
danger of Jim's games becoming unavailable because very quickly there
will be 40 different sites where one can download his stuff from
because everyone seems to have the same idea and is sharing them on
Dropbox, Sendspace, and on private sites. While that is not a bad idea
in of itself I do have some reservation about no organization or
central control over the games and that means people will only offer
what they want to offer and may leave out whatever they feel is not
necessary or change things without the others knowing about it.

On 8/8/15, Shaun Everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll go and pull everything down then sort it then dropbox it, I can at
> least do that.

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