What you say about Shadows of the empire reminds me of my all time favourite cheat codes, for the super starwars games on the snes. They had cheats that let you play through any part of the game with any character, and if that character used a gun, to have whatever gun you wanted. So in Empire strikes back if you wanted to play han solo blowing his way through the swamp monsters of dagobar with a massive plasma cannon, no problem! Fancy having Luke rather than Han or Leya use his force powers to fly over the pits in the endor shield generator base? again, no trouble! Want to duel darth vader with Leya in her bounty hunter disguise and block his light saber with her staff? (which again worked rather well).

Want to take out emperor palpatine with Wicket the Ewok's crosbow? again, pow! Ironically, Wickit was actually probably the best all around character in the game, sinse being tiny most stuff missed him, and though he couldn't upgrade his gun or collect thermal detonators like han and Chewee, his crossbow was as damaging as most of the characters like Luke and Leya who had close range melee weapons, plus he could fire bolts into the walls and bounce off them!

Yep, Wickit rocked!

While there haven't exactly been any audiogames with that sort of cheat, that should explain what I like to personally do with cheats in games, get access to fun stuff when I've finished the game, extra weapons etc, ---- and that aside from the fact of using cheats like disable time limit to help with access to a graphical game, or using cheats like a skip level cheat in older games that didn't save in place of a save code, both of which I've done before too.
Beware the grue!


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