I'd love to write that article.  It would be a great chancee for 
me to get published.  (grin)


Doomed Dragon

"You're asking if we have a problem? Well, let's see here--we 
have a fully armed regiment of soldiers on our tail who have a 
strong desire to kill or mame us horribly.  Does this look like a 
problem to you?"

--Rad Zane, the Elementalists

"Things are about to get very ugly, very fast.  You guys 
leave--I'll clean up the mess."

--Tiana Rose, the Elementalists

"Oh, there's only a hundred of them.  Let's rock!"

--Mark Barrington, the Elementalists

"Hey, bumblehead! Did a fire hydrant unload on you or was that 
just me blasting through your defenses?"

--Adrian Fleck, the Elementalists

> ----- Original Message -----
>From: "ari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org
>Date sent: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:59:55 -0600 (CST)
>Subject: [Audyssey] Article about Interactive Fiction for Spag 

>Hi all,
>I have emailed the editor of Spag magazine for players of 
>Fiction.  I got a reply, but, because of some attachments, which 
I don't know
>how exactly to remove because it would go over the size of 
messages for the
>list, I have forwarded the message to Thomas.  Anyway, the point 
of this
>message is that Spag magazine would like an article about us as 
>players playing interactive fiction, the next issue is coming out 
in a
>month's time.  I am quite an amateur in IF, and still haven't 
tried out many
>interpreters and so on, so could someone who has more experience 
then I do
>with IF write the article about playing IF from a blind person's
>perspective, maybe saying what interpreters don't work well, how 
it's done,
>I don't know, just a general thing to make people more aware of 
us.  There
>are some things I'd like whoever writes the article to highlight, 
>like the, if we put in that we're still having problems getting 
these Pocket
>Interpreters to work on the Pac Mate, maybe someone would in the 
>community would be prepared to modify them a bit, as the Source 
Code is
>freely available, and maybe other issues if there are still 
>problems or just anything.

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