I hope I didn't blow it, but here's what I did with those Dan Z games I asked 
about in an earlier post to the list:  I downloaded and installed the 3 demos.  
Then I downloaded the 3 other files, one for each game, into the folders where 
that associated demo was installed.  I ran the file from within that folder.  
It seemed to work, so I then deleted that file from the folder.  Chain Reaction 
works as a registered game after doing this, so I hope the other two games do, 
too.  I had a key for Chain Reaction and a registration key for Search Party 
but lost the games in a hard drive crash and, naturally, had not written the 
keys elsewhere.  I blew it.  I had not contacted Dan to get a new key as of 
yet, but guess I don't have to, now that he is unfortunately closing.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
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