what sort of guards?
tornts or what.
if its tornts you want I can make some, I actually have some I made for 
x-sight, these things are mine, they were made for some foul mouthed enemies 
though in one of x-sight's games I can probably give you allerts.
I have powerup sounds but I am not sure what I can get.
I may actually make a generic thing as well as the guard tornts.
where should I send things to?
At 02:54 a.m. 31/03/2008, you wrote:
>Sure guys. thanks.
>Here are the sounds I need:
>- Alert of a box
>- Going from Normal to Super State (Power-Up)
>- Guards
>- Lava
>- Alert of Stairs
>- Jumping over stairs
>- Landing on the ground
>That's it for now.
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