Unfortunately, that is all too true. Working with other game developers can be and is problematic for a lot of reasons. For example, a couple of years back a lot of people were disappointed when Justin announced he was not going to release Castle Quest. There was a problem with the leade developer, and so on. I e-mailed him asking if I could help in any way. As it turned out we could not join up to work on the project for a variety of reasons. One, there was the issue of time. Justin was putting in several hours at work so didn't have much time personally to commit to the project. I had just more or less taken over Alchemy Game Studeo's projects so had a fairly full plate already. So it was clear from the outset both of us didn't really have the time for it. Second, neither of us had the original source code. Another developer was creating the game for BSC, and when he quit he tchose to take the source code with him. As a result we had nothing to start with. We would have started from scratch which neither of us were inclined to do with our personal work schedules. Third, it was Justin's project so he would be the lead developer calling the shots on the project. Personally I like being in charge of the coding and admit I have a big ego when it comes to programming. I am proud of what I do, and freely admit it. However, I would have had to take a back seat on this project, and given my ego i don't think I would have been completely happy in the arrangement after all. Finally, there was the issue that programming wise we were not completely compatible. Justin's strengths lie in Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET where mine tend to be in languages like C++, C#, and Java. I'm certain we could have worked this outsince I have some experience programming in Visual Basic languages, but I don't use the language much for my own projects. As a result if I would have had to work on the project in Visual Basic .NET I could probably have done it, but it wouldn't be my best programming wise. I'd likely have to look up this or that in the MSDN library to remind myself of how to do this or that in VB. Anyway, as it turned out we decided not to go there. Neither of us had the time to work on the project, and we had our differences of opinion on how to proceed with programming the game. It was a nice thought, but wasn't practical for either of us.

Che wrote:
regarding the idea of developers teaming up, it is a great idea in theory, but a diffficult one to put into practice in reality. every developer i have talked to without exception, myself included have large egos and set ways of doing things, this would be a serious problem i think.
secondly, deciding how to whack up the proceeds would be a huge issue.
lastly, all involved would have to agree on a language to use for programming, which may or may not be a big problem depending on folks involved. anyhow, if some developers can get something done as a group, i'm all for it. but i know as for myself, i work better alone, where the vision is one, all problems as well as successes are also mine alone to deal with, and if something is screwed up, i have nobody to blame but myself. i think this could work out if everyone agreed on the outline of the project, and designed things modularly so each programmer would have their own little corner to work on, which could be intergrated into the whole later on. once again, easier said than done.

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