Hi Bryan,
Yes, exactly my point. It isn't that I want to turn end user
suggestions away. I definitely won't, but a lot of things are going to
go into a todo list for whenever I can get to it. At this point I
believe the important thing is actually  finishing the game levels,
make sure the engine is stable, and add the end user registration
system. As that will be the majority of my work the next two/three
months I really haven't the time to add every single end user
suggestion or continue to play with sound effects to make sure
everyone is satisfied with this or that aspect of the game. Sometimes
I just have to say this is how it is like it or lump it. Bug fixes
I'll certainly take care of right away, but some of these suggestions
like how the centaurs sound can really wait until I'm done working on
creating the game levels and game mechanics. So I'm not really
ignoring the suggestion, but trying to schedule it to a more
appropriate time when such things are all I have to worry about.


On 5/9/10, Bryan Peterson <bpeterson2...@cableone.net> wrote:
> That would be my call as well Thomas. If I'd spent as much time as a project
> as you have, once I got the game to a more or less stable configuration and
> was more or less closing in on a release date, even if tentative, I would
> focus on that more than anything.
> He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the holy grail in the castle
> of aaaaggh.

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