Hi Muhammad,
Basically, a sloppy message is one where it appears the author of the
post made no attempt to proofread his/her spelling or grammar. Mind
you I’m not saying the message has to be absolutely textbook perfect.
What we are looking for is if the spelling and grammar are good enough
that message can be read without a bunch of spelling and grammatical
errors. For example, earlier Michael wrote something like this.
“Were can I find palace puch up?”
This is an obvious example of a sloppy message. There are two spelling
errors were and puch. and I think if the author had actually proofread
what he wrote he would have noticed both those errors right off even
without a spell checker. There are a couple of other errors like
Palace Punch-Up should be capitalized since it is a proper noun, and
there should be a dash between Punch and Up since it is a compound
word. Still those errors I would probably overlook since I am not
looking for textbook English here, but spelling punch as puch is a
clear case where the author didn’t even attempt to proofread the
message before sending, and isn’t as easy to ignore as it is rather
obvious to everyone no attempt was made towards making the message
more clear or legible. It is simply sloppy writing.


On 7/17/10, Muhammed Deniz <muhamme...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Ok. But I have a question, Thomas. Could you give us an example of sloppy
> messages? I no that you said about 1 liners, but I wonder what you mean buy
> sloppy messages.

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