>>> On 7/10/2008 at 9:25 AM, in message
, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any plan to build gmond on Windows without using Cygwin?
> If no one else has started working on this, I may be able to spend some
> time on it - can anyone make any suggestions about how to proceed?
> Various Microsoft tools are available to me, although I'm happy to
> consider alternatives, e.g. running gcc natively in Windows if possible.

An attempt was made by some developers at Novell, but it was never finished.  I 
think the first thing that needs to be done is to make sure that gmond is 
running completely on APR.  There are still several places where *nix APIs are 
being used rather than the cross platform APR equivalents.  This would also 
include the libganglia source code as well.  Once that is done then compiling 
the code under VC++ or gcc on Windows will probably be much easier.  You also 
might want to take a look at how the Apache httpd server is built for Windows.  
Building gmond for Windows would probably be something similar to that only not 
quite so complicated.  The other issue you will run into is building libconfuse 
for Windows without cygwin.  I'm not sure if that will be difficult or not.  
Libexpat and APR are already on Windows so there should be no problem there.  

Of course, Carlo has the most experience in this area and could probably give 
you a much better idea of how to proceed.


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