On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 04:25:14PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there any plan to build gmond on Windows without using Cygwin?

that has been in the wishlist since the first release of ganglia using cygwin
in 3.0, and that was really a hack to test how portable was the APR library
we just imported and migrated into, and that somehow resulted in a working
build (kudos to the APR developers on that).

> If no one else has started working on this, I may be able to spend some
> time on it - can anyone make any suggestions about how to proceed?

several people had started working on this, sadly no ones work has been
ever made public and AFAIK only one had succeeded :


I think the main pain point is to make the code portable enough that is not
a hassle to maintain (which is probably the reason why the windows port
from aprconsulting is not getting updated faster, but that is just a guess)
specially considering that we made heavy use of posix threads (which have a
different interface in windows) and libraries that are not portable (RPC/XDR,
dotconf and libConfuse) and of course, the lack of experienced system windows
developers (which makes a 15 year old Borland C++ veteran that hasn't touch
windows except for rebooting into the original left over Windows XP home
partition to run Windows Update on his now defunct triple boot
Linux / OpenBSD/ Other laptop; an expert)

> Various Microsoft tools are available to me, although I'm happy to
> consider alternatives, e.g. running gcc natively in Windows if possible.

there is mingw (basically a native Windows gcc that generates native windows
objects by default and some ported tools that make for a unix like build
environment like in cygwin but without the need to run through a complete
system emulation like cygwin does).

and in the summit Matt mentioned he found some new library that provided for a
native interface to windows threads through the POSIX threads interface which
could make a mingw port possible which I am afraid I have no references for.

with the release of 3.1, a native windows port that could bind into WMI is
definitely an interesting risibility as well as the possibility of "cscript"
modules and so, by all means if you have the expertise, it might be a good
importunity to revive this development, hopefully in an open and collaborative


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