On Tuesday, 23 May 2006 18:31, Alex Balk wrote:
> The only way I know of for "reclaiming" cached memory is to have an
> application generate lots of mallocs to obtain the memory used for
> cache and then free() it. I wouldn't call that a smart idea, though.

        It's possible to configure some parameters of the kernel 2.6. The ones 
I remember now are the "swapiness" and the "vfs_cache_pressure" (both 
of them in /proc/sys/vm/). Search the web for information on those. A 
lower swapiness and higher vfs_cache_preassure forces the kernel to use 
less cache and have more free memory available for application (can be 
useful for a desktop for example). Optimum values depend on the 
hardware configuration and on the type of workload. Just try to see 
which values are better for you.



"Until they become conscious they will never rebel,
 and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."

        - George Orwell's 1984 - 

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