I’m monitoring a set of different machines and most things look pretty good. 
However, on most of the ganglia pages for a specific machine it is reporting 
very high load in the summary section on the left:

host (physical view)
CPUs Total:         1
Hosts up:             1
Hosts down:       0
Current load Avg(15,5,1m)
    144% 141% 155%
Avg Utilization (last hour)

However the graphs don’t really show this at all - all of the charts look ok.

I did an rrddump and all of the numbers look low:

                       <!-- 2014-05-30 16:00:00 UTC / 1401465600 --> 
                        <!-- 2014-05-30 16:10:00 UTC / 1401466200 --> 
                        <!-- 2014-05-30 16:20:00 UTC / 1401466800 --> 
                        <!-- 2014-05-30 16:30:00 UTC / 1401467400 --> 
                        <!-- 2014-05-30 16:40:00 UTC / 1401468000 --> 
                        <!-- 2014-05-30 16:50:00 UTC / 1401468600 --> 

So, I’m trying to understand what this means. Why do/does the details on the 
left, show that the machine is over utilized, but not when I look at the 

secondly, the graphs for CPU Nice show 100 m – 300 m (& %) on the left legend. 
What is the meaning of this range?   I would have expected 0 – 100 %.



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