On 26/02/15 12:17, hitesh ramani wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> I apologize for the last reply, it was sent by mistake.
> Coming to your questions,
> > Do you have a Github acocunt and have you already published any open
> > source code or patches for any projects?
> Yes I have a Github account but I'm new to the Open Source community
> so I don't have any work which I have done with respect to Open Source
> projects.
> > Can you please advise about your experience with programming languages,
> > e.g. which one is your strongest, second best, etc?
> As I mentioned before, I, am a Post Graduate student at the Hyderabad
> Central University, Hyderabad, currently working on Postgres
> internals, specifically extending it's functionalities to come up with
> a more efficient sorting technique. I also have a 2.5 year working
> experience with Python, being my strongest language. I'm well versed
> with C too. In my Master's I've taken up relevant courses such as Grid
> Computing, hence I'm well aware with Grids and HPC.

If you would like, I can suggest some activities to help you get to know
Ganglia or use Ganglia with PostgreSQL

Looking in Google, I found some PostgreSQL metrics for Ganglia but at
least one of those projects clearly states it is no longer maintained.

It would be particularly interesting to

a) see this implemented in C as a Ganglia module (see
ganglia-modules-linux for examples of Ganglia modules written in C)
b) make a generic module that can run any database query and return the
results as metrics

One particular thing to keep in mind is that Ganglia prefers metrics to
return rates or delta values rather than raw values.  E.g. if PostgreSQL
has a metric that returns the total number of queries since PostgreSQL
started, then a metric module should sample that value at regular
intervals and calculate the rate (e.g. number of queries per second) and
that is the value that will be transmitted through Ganglia, stored in
the RRD and charted.

Another area you could look at is gmetad.   In version 3.1.0, module
support was added to the gmond component but there is currently no
module support in gmetad.  If you want to learn a little bit more about
dlopen then you could study how it is done in gmond and then try to
implement a similar API for gmetad to support plugin modules.  In gmond,
modules are used for inputs - polling the metrics.  In gmetad, the
modules would probably be used for outputs, e.g. gmetad would call each
module with different events (metric received, new host detected, host
appears down, etc) and the modules could then do things like writing the
events to databases or sending them to other infrastructure or message

Let us know if you would like to try any of these things or if there is
some other part of Ganglia that is interesting for you.


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