On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 14:13:27 -0300
nubis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Marek, you look like you've already been through this :) what
> toolchain do you think would be the most django-esque, technical and
> documentation-wise?

No, I haven't yet used either Lisp for the Web, just watched
screencasts of UCW (which does not seem too Django-like, I suspect its
more comparable with Seaside) and Lisp on Lines. The thing is: while
you most probably can get a lot of great code that can compete
technically, the Django developers have worked at a newspaper and had
since the beginning a big focus on really nice documentation. This is
something that you will not encounter that often in the Lisp world, at
least I haven't. Of course, there are some exceptions where the authors
do provide comprehensive documentation.

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