Hi Moderator,
I would like to really suggest U - that pls keep the below Subject AWAY from Our 
Group. How can U post article based on Religious issues!! 
Its so bad of U to do it.................
Be unilateral & never ever go for such issues.
Hope U get what I want to say.
Im sorry if Ive been RUDE, but really I mean it.

oh for lord sake. the article had very little  to with religion and more to do with 
how you should give importance and do things that mean the most to you when you are 
alive and kicking. 

as the tittle suggests, pretend that you are  going to die and as the author said... 
"Whatever it is, if it's good enough for you when you're dying, then it should 
certainly be important enough to pay attention to while you're 

it just happens that the author is a christian and has quoted some excerpts from 
bible... why should you feel so upset about it? i am not a christian but i have no 
problems if any person quotes from his or her holy book. it is the essence of what is 
being said

 it is up to us to make it relevant to our life or not. please  do try not to see 
everything through the lens of religion



Moderator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Try this exercise: Pretend you're going to die within 24 hours.

What is most important to you: watching a sunset or sunrise, reading 
the Bible or some other literature that gives you strength or 
perspective, communing with nature, playing with your children . . . ?

Whatever it is, if it's good enough for you when you're dying, then it 
should certainly be important enough to pay attention to while you're 
 Spiritual Life Game by Sarano Kelley
I’ve had the honor and pleasure of coaching and working with some of the wealthiest 
people on the planet. I’ve often noticed that when people haven’t developed a 
spiritual core, they increasingly gather material goods, yet their lives become more 
unstable and insecure. 

When your life is characterized by a deeper meaning at its core, money can serve the 
purpose of furthering your spiritual development. For example, money can afford you 
the opportunity to attend spiritual retreats and seminars, support endeavors that are 
oriented toward this area of life, or feed your spirit in any number of ways.

If you’re an agnostic or atheist, you can play The Spiritual Life Game by focusing on 
the fulfillment of your purpose as a human being. Your Game can revolve around helping 
all of humanity through volunteerism, charitable acts, or just being a compassionate 
person who serves as a model for your fellow human beings. All of these acts comprise 
elements of spirituality that aren’t necessarily connected to a belief in God or a 
Higher Power.

I really don’t care what you believe. I only encourage you to explore, practice, and 
deepen whatever it is that brings you joy and fulfillment.
Now or Later
Many people don’t think about their spiritual lives until they’re faced with a crisis 
such as a life-threatening illness. Then they decide to embark on spiritual practices 
such as meditation or prayer.

Are you ready to turn "later" and "someday" into "now" when it comes to attending to 
your spiritual life? I have some questions for you to consider if spirituality has 
been so far back on your burner that you’ve forgotten that it’s an essential part of 
being human:

   Why would you wait until you’re about to die to focus on spirituality, when it 
could be enriching absolutely everything in your life today? 
   How much more prepared for dealing with life’s greatest challenges (including 
death) will you be if you make a commitment right now to nourish your spirit in 
whatever way works best for you?
   How long are you going to keep depriving yourself of that which will bring you more 
satisfaction than anything the material world has to offer? 

Try this exercise: Pretend you’re going to die within 24 hours. What is most important 
to you: watching a sunset or sunrise, reading the Bible or some other literature that 
gives you strength or perspective, communing with nature, playing with your children . 
. . ? Whatever it is, if it’s good enough for you when you’re dying, then it should 
certainly be important enough to pay attention to while you’re alive.

Think about those times when people close to you were dying. What did they request at 
the end of their lives? Did they want to be near family members or personal mementos? 
Did they crave good, honest, heartfelt conversation? These are the kinds of things you 
want in your life, which will nourish you every day.

A special rule for The Spiritual Life Game is: 

Live each day as if it were your last.
Exploring What You Believe
When the subject of spirituality comes up in conversation, people often admit that 
they don’t know what they believe. They have no idea what speaks to their hearts. This 
can be a result of spiritual immaturity. By this term, I mean that people are often 
still in a reactive or rebellious mode when it comes to their spiritual lives.

Perhaps long ago they rejected their parents’ religion or the kind of belief system 
that they felt was foisted upon them as children. Yet they haven’t taken the time or 
made the effort to seek out something that is more to their liking. These individuals 
are still mired in teenage rebellion or an ego-driven mode where they’re too proud to 
even consider that their parents might have been wise about anything. These attitudes 
may be robbing them of possibilities for spiritual growth. 

This doesn’t mean that because you’ve rejected that old-time religion, you are wrong 
and your parents were right. What it does mean is that if you’ve never explored your 
childhood belief system for yourself, you could be stuck in a knee-jerk reaction to 
your parents’ authority rather than having made up your own mind about the religious 
traditions with which you were raised.

Or, perhaps the opposite form of spiritual immaturity may be true for you. If you’ve 
merely accepted whatever has been handed down to you by your parents without ever 
exploring its deeper meaning, you haven’t allowed for the possibility that this 
tradition might satisfy you in ways that your parents could have never imagined.

These are the kinds of issues you’ll want to consider as you design The Spiritual Life 
Game. What’s truly yours, and what have you merely accepted or rejected? What would 
offer you a more satisfying and meaningful spiritual life than you had as a child? Or 
what would restore the innocence and joy you may have found in your spiritual life 
back then? 

A special rule for The Spiritual Life Game is: 

Develop a sense of maturity
in your spiritual beliefs and practices.
Living Versus Talking
To wholeheartedly play The Spiritual Life Game, I suggest that you do more than just 
talk about religion, beliefs, or traditions. Find the structure and community that 
will help you start living what you say you believe. If you’re a church member, talk 
with the minister and ask how you can become more involved in this place of worship. 
If going to church doesn’t fit in with how you want to feed your spiritual life, take 
regular walks with your friends in the woods, and worship together there. The point is 
to surround yourself with people who have an affinity for expressing and developing 
their spirituality. 

George Page shares a story of how he found comfort and growth in a spiritual community.

He says:

When I was 69 years old, I had to undergo surgery to remove a malignant prostate 
gland. I was a bit anxious to get it done as quickly as possible before aggressive 
cancer cells spread. 

While driving to a vacation spot where I’d be spending a week with my family, I 
started wondering what I was supposed to be learning from this totally unexpected 
experience of having cancer surgery. The answer that came to mind was: Since no one 
really knows exactly what causes this or other cancers, I should change my life in as 
many ways as possible. 

I decided to institute changes by starting with acting as if I were a Catholic and 
joining my wife by going to church with her. This was something I hadn’t done for more 
than 40 years.

The next day after my decision, we attended Mass at a Catholic church. There, I 
received amazing validation that I was doing the right thing. We were welcomed into 
the church with the sound of fantastic organ music. I felt as if we were attending a 
concert. An old Irish priest officiated the service and held out his open arms to 
people of all beliefs, telling them to "do their own thing." His attitude made me feel 
immediately comfortable.

My surgery and the recovery from it turned out to be totally successful. Since then, 
I’ve continued to go to Mass when I wanted this kind of spiritual connection, and I 
feel that I’m on a journey to raise my life to a higher level.

By making the change of revisiting his old spiritual beliefs, George had the kind of 
renewal he was seeking.

You may have been caught up in the form or the organization of having a spiritual life 
and lost its true substance. If you’re honest with yourself, you may realize that 
you’re more charged up by the power and attention that comes from talking about your 
religious beliefs and getting others interested in them than living your religion and 
leading by example. 

Perhaps you’re someone who volunteers in your church and busily manages all sorts of 
activities, yet when it comes to your own prayer life, you run out of time. Maybe 
you’re giving much, but with a lot of fanfare and praise. You may have lost the 
ability not to expect anything in return from doing silent and compassionate acts. Or 
are you someone who lives by the letter but not the spirit of the law? These are 
points to reflect upon as you decide what your Spiritual Life Game should consist of.

Before going to bed and upon waking up, imagine what your day would look like if you 
lived it according to your highest principles and beliefs. For example, you might 
practice not judging others. When you see someone you’d normally internally criticize, 
instead of judging, just say a hearty "Good morning," and welcome the person with love 
in your heart.

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