------- Additional Comments From schlie at comcast dot net  2005-02-24 02:49 
Subject: Re:  4.0 bootstrap unreasonably requires
 64-bit target type mode support.

> Please explain why you think it is a bug for the avr to support long long.
> Your description sounds like an opinion.
> The pointer size on the AVR is currently 16 bits. This will change in the
> near future to either 24 bits or 32 bits.

Simply because no data type size support should be required beyond that
reasonably required by the source language itself.

Please note that enabling the compiler to build with limited but perfectly
reasonable 32-bit maxim data types, does not prohibit the it's ability to
support significantly larger data types if desired for whatever reason; so
nor should the desire to restrict data type size support be inhibited.)

As an aside, please don't confuse support of > 64KB FLASH program memory on
larger AVR's, with the architecture's inherent 16-bit data pointer / 64KB
data address space, as the two are orthogonal.  Atmel has already clearly
positioned ARM to pick up where the AVR architecture leaves off; so although
we may likely see 256KB program + 8KB-32KB data memory versions forthcoming,
that's likely about it; as avr's target market has no corresponding need of
significantly more, not to mention it would bring the avr (an 8-bit machine)
needlessly to it's knees attempting to shuffle extended pointers around,
which wouldn't be too clever even if Atmel were to facilitate them; hence
Atmel's, and others, positioning of ARM and similar 16/32 based embedded
controllers. (Atmel understands what the avr is/isn't, to their credit.)



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