On Dec 5, 2005, at 11:48 AM, Steven Bosscher wrote:
On Saturday 03 December 2005 20:43, Mark Mitchell wrote:
There is one advantage I see in the LTO design over LLVM's design. In particular, the LTO proposal envisions a file format that is roughly at the level of GIMPLE. Such a file format could easily be extended to be
at the source-level version of Tree used in the front-ends, so that
object files could contain two extra sections: one for LTO and one for source-level information. The latter section could be used for things
like C++ "export" -- but, more importantly, for other tools that need
source-level information, like IDEs, indexers, checkers, etc.

I actually see this as a disadvantage.

IMVHO dumping for "export" and front-end tools and for the optimizers
should not be coupled like this.  Iff we decide to dump trees, then I
would hope the dumper would dump GIMPLE only, not the full front end
and middle-end tree representation.

Sharing a tree dumper between the front ends and the middle-end would
only make it more difficult again to move to sane data structures for
the middle end and to cleaner data structures for the front ends.

I totally agree with Steven on this one. It is *good* for the representation hosting optimization to be different from the representation you use to represent a program at source level. The two have very different goals and uses, and trying to merge them into one representation will give you a representation that isn't very good for either use.

In particular, the optimization representation really does want something in "three-address" form. The current tree-ssa implementation emulates this (very inefficiently) using trees, but at a significant performance and memory cost. The representation you want for source-level information almost certainly *must* be a tree.

I think it is very dangerous to try to artificially tie link-time (and other) optimization together with source-level clients. The costs are great and difficult to recover from (e.g. as difficult as it is to move the current tree-ssa work to a lighter-weight representation) once the path has been started.

That said, having a good representation for source-level exporting is clearly useful. To be perfectly clear, I am not against a source- level form, I am just saying that it should be *different* than the one used for optimization.


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