Steven Bosscher wrote:

>> 2. Can we move GPL'd code into GFDL'd manuals, or copy text from GFDL's
>> manuals into GPL'd code, or auto-generated GFDL's manuals from GPL'd code?
>> This got complicated; see previous postings.  But, it's not relevant to
>> your question, since you're not trying to do that.
> I would like to do this for the files, but it's not
> clear to me right now whether this is allowed or not. What do you
> think?

I think it's allowed, but not a good idea, due to the fact that I think
it creates a "trap" for people.

The FSF has said that it's OK for *us* to do it, in the FSF repository,
because the FSF can itself relicense code.  But, it's said that it's not
OK for third parties to do it, because they can't.  And, the natural way
for us to do it is via generator programs.  This creates a situation
where a third party could rerun the generator program and end up with
something they couldn't distribute.  That seems very tricky to me.

I believe that the only real fix here is (a) for the FSF to abandon the
GFDL, and relicense manuals under the GPL, or (b) for the FSF to add an
exception to the GFDL, making it compatible with the GPL in some way.
However, I have no evidence that the FSF is considering either of these
ideas; RMS didn't provide encouraging feedback when I made such suggestions.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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