On Saturday 22 January 2011 09:07:31 pm Lex Trotman wrote:
> 3. It is (I think) a big change to allow Geany to have one instance
> with multiple top level windows, how to handle different projects in
> different top levels? how to handle different preferences in
> different top levels?
> So AFAICT there is no clear solution.
> My personal choice would be 3 because it would then also support
> multiple monitor setups, but I believe that there is a lot of usage
> issues to resolve and a LOT of work involved.
> Any good ideas welcome.

No good ideas, but I'll continue to express biased opinions ;-)

I'm not sure I fully understand your number 3, but if that means I can  
run only one instance of Geany (with multiple top level windows). I 
would be concerned.  

It sounds like the way Iceweasel / Firefox is set up, at least as of 
version 3.0.6, which is what I'm using.

My problem with that is that if something happens to that one instance 
of Iceweasel (with several top level windows open on different 
desktops), I lose all the open pages.  (For that reason, I continue to 
use konqueror as my primary web browser--there are pages for which 
doesn't work, but when one instance dies (hangs or crashes), I lose 
only the open pages on that instance.  

(I feel this way despite the fact that Iceweasel allows me to easily 
reopen all those pages (and, I've finally (recently) learned how to do 
the same thing with konqueror in conjunction with a cron job...))

I don't expect Geany to hang / crash, but 11 years or so ago I was told 
that Linux never crashes, but I've managed to prove those people wrong 
(not intentionally, and to my detriment). .-)

Randy Kramer

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