2011/1/26 Krzysztof Żelechowski <giecr...@stegny.2a.pl>:
> Dnia środa, 26 stycznia 2011 o 11:45:53 Lex Trotman napisał(a):
>> Ok, understand.  OOq puts a lock file in the directory for each file
>> thats open, thats how it prohibits multi-edit.
>> Thats Ok for a document editor, but I'm not so sure for a development
>> editor where potentially lots of files are open.  And the performance
>> hit on remote files is potentially significant.  Users editing remote
>> files are already complaining about performance.  And we then have the
>> problem of removing lock files when Geany quits or crashes.  That
>> means blocking closing Geany until lock files are removed which could
>> be a problem again on remote filesystems.
> First of all, proper use of a version control system should eliminate the 
> need to edit networked files in Geany, unless the developer sits on a thin 
> client -- but then either the network is good enough or nothing works.
> So Geany could limit its locking facilities to local files or instruct the 
> developer about proper procedures.
> Chris

Totally agree, except some people use Geany to edit web files over FTP
to their server.  To change to a VCS their service provider would need
to change.

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