I don't know if you received my e-mail, so I will post the information here.  I've produced a couple hundred Coleonyx variegatus variegatus and Coleonyx variegatus bogerti  over a 13 year period and found that they are GSD.  This supports the findings of Viets and others.  Goniurosaurus seem to be TSD, but not Pattern II.  You will not find any individuals that have produced many Holodactylus, so you might not be able to get the needed information.
Nathan Hall
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 9:24 PM
Subject: [gecko]sex determination in Eublepharine geckos

I know this general subject has been discussed in the list serve before,
but i haven't seen these particular questions.

All you folks that eublepharine geckos--can you tell me which ones have
genetic and which ones have temperature sex deterimination?
Year ago i bred Coleonyx variagatus and so I know they do not have TSD.
i seem to recall someone was breeding C. brevis at the time, and they
were GSD too, but i'm not sure.  since then it is clear lots more people
have been breeding lots more of these geckos.

Of course Eublepharus and Hemitheconyx are both TSD, at least all the
species I know of. 

what about the other Coleonyx? 
what about Goniurosaurus? 
what about Holodactylus? 

and for those of you who answer--no insult intended, but how confident
are you of your answers?


Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
114 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
voice: (516) 463-5521
fax: 516-463-5112


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