So, I just got two ~ eight month old female Uroplatus henkeli. I figured they'd be old enough to put with my adult male. Plus, male henks are not known to be the randiest lizards, so I guessed he wouldn't even notice them for a while. I guessed wrong. I put the females in during the day, and they went right to sleep, no problems. That night, however, my male zeroed on the first move one of those females made, and after she acknowledged his presence, he started twitching his tail so violently his whole body and the branch he was on shook. He charged her, and she only narowly escaped a brutal mating attempt . The other female had the same harrowing experience. I guess if I hadn't seen a female of my species my entire life (at least my captive life) I'd probably be ready for some action too.

needless to say, I had to remove him. Unfortunately I was a bad herper, and had no suitable cage prepared, and so he went into a spartan 20 gal setup. My solution was a 50 gallon Sterilite container. This cage cost all of about $30.
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