On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Madhusudan Singh wrote:

>  And to the respondent who said that GUIs are not necessarily faster
>   than typing it by hand, I would have to disagree. I am hazarding a
>   guess that you have not used Design Architect (and yes, I have timed
>   the two approaches in the past - the DA bit was much much faster for
>   even a moderately complicated circuit). The difference was - that
>   beyond defining input and output nodes, I did not have to do any
>   post-drawing pointy-clicky.

I would guess you've never tackled a big project with multiple external 
requirements, combining hardware, software, simulations and documentation.

>   All I now need are good libraries and a proper tutorial that shows how
>   they can be used in gschem properly (see above). Someone linked a
>   source - are there others ? Most vendors provide text spice libraries.
>   How can they be converted into a form that gschem can understand ?

Gschem doesn't understand SPICE libraries at all: that's not its job. If you 
use "gnetlist -g spice-sdb" it peeks at some of the files to get a clue as to 
what they are (and maybe that's a misfeature). Whichever SPICE you're using 
interprets the library format.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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