On 11/09/2011 9:13 AM, "Markus Hitter" <[1]m...@jump-ing.de> wrote:

   > But how close is gEDA here? To be honest, I think gEDA couldn't be
   farther away. It can't even agree on an equivalent GUI design for both
   major tools, gschem and pcb. Instead of doing something about that,
   lots of discussions about picky details on keyboard "accelerators".
   Using a keyboard to do anything but writing text is a thing of the
   past, to start with.

   I think you will find that a pretty much all high end commercial CAD
   tools put a lot of effort into getting the keyboard accelerators right.
   Your concept of the keyboard being only for text has no basis in any
   CAD tool I have ever heard of.

   > To get an idea of a fairly intuitive tool, have a look at Fritzing.
   Fritzing is great, so is intuitive design. I don't really understand
   why gEDA gets slammed on its UI so much. It is different, and like
   anything worth learning takes some effort.


   1. mailto:m...@jump-ing.de

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