Klaus Ethgen <Klaus+geekie@...> writes:

Klaus> Sorry, can you explain »erractically«? I cannot translate that to
Klaus> my language.

It probably hasn't helped that I misspelled it :-p The correct spelling
is "erratically" and the meaning is "sometimes it does what I expect,
but often it does not".  In U.S. English, it is close to a synonym for
either "unpredictably" or "inconsistently" but only in the
non-mathematical sense of the latter, of course.

Klaus> I do not like them also. I like to work with the
Klaus> keyboard. However, for some situations I like my mouse (or more
Klaus> specific, my "Knubbel" inside my Thinkpad keyboard that replaces
Klaus> the mouse. And the buttons are ecactly wher you need them to
Klaus> paste.

Yes, maybe we have different situations in mind, but in general I agree:
both pure mouse-driven GUI and textual input has its place.  If only the
toolkit authors would understand that :)


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