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Hi Folks,

I heard that my last mail could me misunderstood.

I really appreciate all help in the project. My personal goal is to
stabilize the software and fixing some of the nastiest bugs. I don't
like to do that but for implementing new stuff or focus on more fun
stuff I simply have not the time for.

> > I don't know if this email will reach the right people, I really have no 
> > idea how to get in touch with the active developers, but if I do, I 
> > propose to help improve this situation.
> > 
> > Are you interested?
> Sure. If you find something to improve... Just come up with a git
> formated patch or a bundle.

As said. Help is always welcome. Regarding web page, it is in git too.
So if you have some improvements ... But also for other stuff. If you
have something that you can do ...

The reason why I ask for a formatted patch or bundle, it gives you the
credits as author if you come up with. :-)

Am Mi den  9. Mär 2016 um 21:14 schrieb Lars Ellenberg:
> > Am Mo den  7. Mär 2016 um  2:15 schrieb DrSlony:
> > > Geeqie has been my favorite image viewer for a long time, but I'm 
> > > troubled by the status of the project.
> Visibility could be certainly be improved.

That for sure.

> > Sure. If you find something to improve... Just come up with a git
> > formated patch or a bundle.
> That would be for geeqie source code.
> Not the (google-) visible (self-)presentation.

Well, in the past we had some very bad experiences with external
hosters. That's the reason why it is now presented via git-web.
Everybody can clone the source. And Devs should be used to that way of
accessing the source.

> How about dropping as much sf links as possible from the index page?
> I attached an updated geeqie.org/index.html.

I'll have a look into it. Thanks for the work at first.

> It has been eight years since the fork from GQview,
> that should not be the one distinct point to make.


> Rather, (cl)aim to be the best image viewer.

Well, it is. :-D

> As long as geeqie.org points to sf,
> we should not complain about sf not losing karma.

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                              http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16   Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.ch>
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
Version: GnuPG v1


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