On 20.01.19 18:49, Øyvind Kolås wrote:
> Sorry for the delayed reaction, thank you for the patch which has been
> integrated in the git repo.

Great, thanks!

> In addition to git/gitlab and infrequently used mailinglist, the
> developers do chat in the IRC channels #gegl and #gimp on GIMPnet -
> also used by GNOME on irc.gimp.org


> Note that the OpenCL code in GEGL works but multi-core CPU code most
> often will be faster (in particular in GIMP with lower OpenCL coverage
> of operations than in the GEGL provided set), thus the opencl / GPU
> acceleration is most often best left off. I however think OpenCL still
> is a good fit for GPU accelerating GEGL and hope for future
> improvements to both GEGL operations and OpenCL platforms.

I noticed that, too. And it made me wonder, because on the same hardware
Darktable seems to work much faster when OpenCL is enabled than when it
is disabled. Any clues what's so different?

Richard B. Kreckel
gegl-developer-list mailing list
List address:    gegl-developer-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list

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