On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 09:54:01AM +0100, Richard B. Kreckel wrote:
> > Note that the OpenCL code in GEGL works but multi-core CPU code most
> > often will be faster (in particular in GIMP with lower OpenCL coverage
> > of operations than in the GEGL provided set), thus the opencl / GPU
> > acceleration is most often best left off. I however think OpenCL still
> > is a good fit for GPU accelerating GEGL and hope for future
> > improvements to both GEGL operations and OpenCL platforms.
> I noticed that, too. And it made me wonder, because on the same hardware
> Darktable seems to work much faster when OpenCL is enabled than when it
> is disabled. Any clues what's so different?

I think that Darktable has a lot more OpenCL accelerated code paths,
which means that the pixel data doesn't have to go back and forth
between CPU and GPU memory so much.
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