Jakarta Newsletter
Issue: 0
Date: May 2002

A Jakarta newsletter has been mentioned a few times on the general list and
so I figured it was high time that one was produced. The discussions
previously seemed to settle on a monthly affair with a a regular change of
editorship. The aim is that for the future, different people will take over
different sections for a limited period so that nobody gets bogged down with
the chore unless they want to - some lists may have a series of volunteers
step up, other projects may choose to add newsletter editing as a regular
responsibility for each of their active committers.

Hopefully this will lead to a dynamic monthly newsletter that can be sent
out on the announcement list (or a new newsletter one) and try to keep
people informed of what all the projects are up to without having to monitor
all the projects

This issue is entirely edited my myself rather than a set of developers and
as a direct result is limited to the dev lists I monitor properly. With luck
others will help out future issues providing a varied style and more
complete content.

Rob Oxspring


This month saw the first ever veto of a new committer in the Tomcat
subproject. [1] The resulting threads from this discussed how much a person
should have to do before being given committer rights [2] and what they
should have had to do. This in turn lead to a proposed rethink of the
current rights and roles at Jakarta - can non-coders be committers? should
people be given voting rights without CVS access? - should they be given CVS
access without the hassle of voting rights? The answers seemed to be
probably, possibly and probably not respectively [3] On a similar note,
there was a brief look at how best to welcome and nurture volunteers to keep
Jakarta growing and progressing [4]

An announcement of a new in house mail archive using EyeBrowse [5] lead to a
few threads regarding the infrastructure available at Jakarta. The main
focus was on whether to switch from Bugzilla to Scarab [6,7] although
Subversion was also mentioned with anticipation. There was also discussion
of the best way to measure project activity and how useful such a metric
would be [8].

Related to the infrastructure and to project activity, Maven was advocated
by Jon Scott Stevens as a build system we should all be using. The ensuing
flame war included a lot of Centipede vs Maven, XSL vs Velocity, and other
Ego clashes. The result seems to have been that some commons projects have
switched to maven and that several people have begun to think about what is
and isn't provided by the Forest / Gump / Maven / Centipede projects -
Surely good things will come. Instead of pointing to specific threads here
I'll just suggest that you search the archives for the countless threads
along the lines of "Quick! convert all your projects to maven!", "You make
the decision", "You guys are so funny", and "[PROPOSAL] Centaven and

It was noted that the general list seems to be targeted for advertising
Jakarta support but that there should be a better place for this. The
discussion [9] lead to a new page on the web site listing providers of
Jakarta support [10].

Should database related technology have its own Apache project? the theme of
a language per project at Apache could be lost, but is this a problem? Read
the full thread [11] and see what you think.

[1] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102221590900002&r=1&w=2&n=11
[2] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102226344500002&r=1&w=2&n=24
[3] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102228162200005&r=1&w=2&n=99
[4] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102229761100002&r=1&w=2&n=11
[5] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102045108100002&r=1&w=2&n=23
[6] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102045747000001&r=1&w=4&n=14
[7] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102194344600001&r=1&w=2&n=10
[8] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102112917400003&r=1&w=2&n=12
[9] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102127725000002&r=1&w=2&n=27
[10] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102139833300001&r=1&w=2&n=12
[11] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102037557900001&r=1&w=2&n=53


The first beta of version 1.5 was released this month, provoking lots of bug
fixing and doc patching [12]. A difference causing some confusion this time
round was that the optional.jar is now included as the main distribution
[13] and this also moved into discussions of how to repeat the builds and
how the rpm version should be created and installed [14]. By the time you
read this the second beta should have been released.

As well as having to decide whether to include the optional.jar file, the
jaxp implementation also cropped up. The crux of the discussion revolves
around whether we should be distributing Xalan as well as Xerces, and
indeed, whether we are allowed not to? See the discussion [15,16] for the
breakdown of pros and cons.

Checking for compatibility with Mac OS X is important for the next release
as there were some problems to be fixed [17]. Luckily a volunteer has
stepped up to help out with OS X specific testing and debugging[18].

A new mechanism for selecting files in a file set has been developed to
overcome the limitations of the old include / exclude system. The new system
is no longer limited to filenames alone and allows arbitrary combinations of
"selectors" to define the file set of interest. The built in selectors
provide selection based on filename, path information, date, size and custom
selectors are also available for use. The additions this month were more
relating to documentation [19] and some tests [20] before the Ant 1.5

Ever wanted to slap some build information into a splash screen? well the
ImageManip task from Kevin Z Grey will allow all this and more [21].

Delete task follows symlinks - With a bit of luck this has finally been
resolved [22]. Also the propertyfile task has been broken for a little while
but should now be working properly again [23].

Should taskdefs and typedefs that share the same classpath share a single
class loader? the opinions are mixed and the short term solution is a bit
unclear [24]. Long term, the antlib concept should fix this and the myrmidon
guys have been discussing their solution in another thread [25].

Should ant default to 1.1 compatible byte code even when using Java 1.4
which takes a different default?[26]

[12] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102022010200001&r=1&w=2&n=31
[13] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102035217500003&r=1&w=2&n=32
[14] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=101975041700004&r=1&w=2&n=33
[15] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102228254400003&r=1&w=2&n=11
[16] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102227737900002&r=1&w=2&n=11
[17] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102159896900003&r=1&w=2&n=15
[18] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102132176000005&r=1&w=2&n=3
[19] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102071136100004&r=1&w=2&n=12
[20] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102273392200004&r=1&w=2&n=14
[21] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102202542200005&r=1&w=2&n=12
[22] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=100073682800004&r=1&w=2&n=10
[23] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=100339510100002&r=1&w=2&n=12
[24] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102217241700002&r=1&w=2&n=22
[25] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102068167000001&r=1&w=2&n=17
[26] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102148430600003&r=1&w=2&n=21


The next release of the collections package should contain an implementation
of the sequenced hash map that better fits the spec by throwing
ConcurrentModificationException[27]. Additionally Lazy collections were
discussed [28], i.e. collections that populate themselves on access. And
finally trees should be making an appearance in future collections releases,
allowing integration with JTrees, and potentially with RedBlack, Binary, AVL
and other implementations if appropriate[29].

Ever wondered about the differences between Latka and Anteater? Ivelin
Ivanov did and sparked off an informative discussion on how the alternatives
compare [30].

The Log4J people want to add features using some commons code, but this
depends on commons logging which causes problems both philosophical and
technical. See the discussion [31] for the proposed solutions to the

The pool guys are have bumped into the old problem of deprecation and
wanting to change the signatures of some methods. The decision seemed to be
that the change is ok, but the issue of compatibility with Java 1.4 cropped
up again too [32].

[27] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102088150100001&r=1&w=2&n=13
[28] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102165202400001&r=1&w=2&n=13
[29] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102219299500004&r=1&w=2&n=10
[30] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102151971700001&r=1&w=2&n=12
[31] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102103609500002&r=1&w=2&n=34
[32] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=102023488700001&r=1&w=2&n=15

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