Yoav Shapira wrote:
So we agree that we allow the current proposed committer list as-is,
but when we look at graduation from the incubator we examine test case
and documentation as well as the product source code itself, because
by bringing these people in as committers through the incubator, the
OpenJPA team commits to working on test cases and documentation as
much as product code?

I certainly still believe that we bring the committer list as proposed, with any further additions by the Apache community.

However, I absolutely don't believe that at graduation we need to closely examine the assets of the project to make some judgment about individuals as committers. Can you imagine if we judged all source? ("Hey, you overuse Singletons, and quite frankly, I perfer XMLBeans over JAXB. You don't do enough javadoc, and your spelling stinks...")

Why? Because (to me, anyway) the point of incubation is figuring out how to work as a meritocratic community of peers, and learning how (as the PPMC) to govern the project in the Apache fashion, to know our IP rules and processes, etc.

If I believe that those high-level things have been achieved, I therefore must extend trust to the mature podling that they have the low-level, detailed issues of committer participation, code, docs, test cases, and others reasonably well in hand.


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