On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 08:56, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no problem with someone starting out as a mentor. *I* started
> out as a mentor not too long ago. But as an IPMC member, I'd like to
> know the experience profiles of mentors.

I think there are better ways to learn about people's contributions
than asking them to provide a resume/justification for their desire to
be a Mentor.

> I'm also trying, more pointedly, to head off the 'AWOL mentor' problem
> by asking mentors to think about, and state, the commitment they are
> making.

But your approach is pre-judging them. I think it is better to be
optimistic -- that people *will* continue as proper Mentors. "Trust,
but verify". *IF* somebody goes AWOL, then deal with it at that time,
rather than simply assuming that up front.

Find a way to detect an AWOL mentor rather than requesting these
uncomfortable justifications.


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