On 3/29/02 10:36 AM, "Danny Angus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Now that you can (well, soon) legally implement JSR47's, you
>> might was well
>> support their interfaces and semantics, and then 'embrace and
>> extend'.  Just
>> do the JSR47 stuff better :)
> Could Log4J now become an RI of JSR47 ? (I'm still not completely clear
> about all this..)

Ceki is the guy to really talk to this but as I understand the process, it
always *could* have.  For example, the JSTL RI is Apache licensed OSS that
is being done in the Jakarta Taglibs project.  (Of course, they have have
the sticky situation that until the spec license is changed, they
technically can't distribute it but that is being solved with the recent JCP

However, given the 'differences' between the spec lead and Ceki, I can't
imagine this ever happening, nor could I imagine log4j's package structure
getting changed to java.*, which it would have to be as 47 is part of

Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting

Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and talent

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