On Mar 19, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

This is a little linked to the Apache-open source question raised a while
back, though it actually comes from trying to explain to someone what the
pro's and reasons for groovy as a jsr might be.

How about if Jakarta [or Apache-Java as a whole] embraced the latest JCP
process? If there's anything the ASF are not happy with in the JCP we can
adjust it, but generally we would manage our own projects in the same way
that ASF involvement in the JCP.org says we should manage standards.

Are you kidding? We'd have to go to meetings and discuss process documents. I do that 4 times a year as is as JCP rep, and that's more than enough!

What I'm largely interested in are the reasons why not, as these would be
perfect reasons why something like groovy, or ant or httpclient, should
not become jsr's.

Groovy is going through the JSR process so that the language will be formalized into a spec and protected for compatibility. This will give the "Java ecosystem" another language the runs on the JVM for which claimed implementations are guaranteed to be compatible.

So... why not run [EMAIL PROTECTED] under the JCP process?

Because there is no real need to assert that every project at the ASF in Java is some sort of standard, and further, doing a TCK is an awful lot of work. If we do have something that is a candidate to be standardized, we can go to the JCP and do it there.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-247-1713(m)

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