>     http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/TLPResolution

> [ ] +1 I support the proposal
> [ ] +0 I don't care
> [ ] -1  I'm opposed to the proposal because...

I'm not really convinced that this change will improve anything. In
particular I'd be sad to lose the current SVN access system, where any
Jakarta committer has commit access to any other Jakarta project and
general common-sense was used to govern things rather than
technical/bureaucratic blocks. I thought this brought down a lot of
unnecessary walls, but moving commons to a TLP will erect these walls
again I presume. We want committers to apache projects that *use*
commons libs to have a fairly low barrier for contributing back to
commons; as currently set up any jakarta committer can just do so.

However I don't feel strongly enough to vote against this proposal.

But I do oppose using the name "commons.apache.org". The current jakarta
commons community is exclusively Java, and that should remain so. Having
multiple languages supported under one PMC will lead more oversight
issues, and less community cohesion, than currently exist.

If the new TLP is java-only it seems very rude to take the name
"commons.apache.org" : it's far too generic. Perhaps
jakarta-commons.apache.org would be appropriate..

BTW, as I don't really support this change I'm reluctant to add my name
to the initial PMC list on the wiki page. However if the TLP does go
ahead (and that looks likely) then I would like to be on the PMC. What's
the best thing to do?



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