On 23/05/07, Scott Eade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
> * Slide. There's some sign of activity here. Not enough yet.
> * Cactus. Tiny bit of activity, again not enough for a TLP.
> * JMeter. Lots of commits from Sebb, but not a big community.

We have invited another person to become a committer, but so far he
has not accepted. I need to chase that up.

> For all three of these the best solution I can think of is to move
> them to the Incubator. Keep the lists where they are, move the svn,
> move the websites. They need to be thinking TLP, they need to get
> community.
I think the people that work on and use these projects would feel
somewhat marginalized if they were pushed over to Incubator.

I feel abandoned by Jakarta.

Do all the Commons sub-projects have sufficient numbers ot committers
to justify them remaining in Commons? For example CLI has not even had
a formal release yet and has been far less active than JMeter, but is
still protected by being in Commons.

How about we have four categories in "Jakarta Commons becomes Jakarta":

   * proper
   * sandbox
   * dormant
   * jakarta-holdouts (replace this with a better name of your choosing)

The last one being a home for these projects until they can find a home
elsewhere (tlp or otherwise).

Would it be correct to say that one of the reasons for a commons to go
tlp was that a more focused PMC is required going forward?  This would
still be possible with a few holdouts in the mix.

(crawls back under rock)

Another rock fell on my foot ...

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