Thanks for the shove, Berin! :-)

On 15.05.2005 12:54:10 Berin Lautenbach wrote:
> Peoples,
> I've been looking at the web site and thinking it's probably time to do 
> some major changes to represent what has happened to the various 
> sub-projects.
> Beyond that, and making sure the various links are there, it might be 
> interesting to look at some other items.
> 1.  We need to re-look at the makeup of the PMC.  Should we cut back, or 
> are people comfortable to represent there TLPs in the federation PMC? 
> At the very least, the current charter requires we re-constitute the PMC.

I'm actually comfortable with the makeup. I think it makes sense that
the projects of the XML federation are somehow connected to the XML
project, though it doesn't necessarily have to be through PMC membership.
But it's certainly not bad as it is, as long as the PMC members are

> 2.  Should we re-create the charter given the new status of the project?

Yes, this is necessary.

> 3.  Do we want to look at how we can encourage communication between the 
> XML based TLPs ?  (I kind of like this idea!)

The idea of the XML federation depends on that, I think. Well, the
easiest way is through the general mailing list and a Wiki. And, of
course, we need to update the site accordingly. When we start
categorizing/cataloguing the individual projects into groups and
advertize, people/projects will automatically start coming.

4. Migrate XML site to SVN

> I've also been thinking about creating a zone on the new Solaris box for 
> xml projects.  In particular, I have an autobuilder I use to build the c 
> projects automatically nightly that I'd like to get running officially. 
>   This is of benefit to xerces-c/xalan-c/xml-security-c, so it makes 
> sense to have it in a common federation site.
> Anyway, open to thoughts :>

My problem, to be honest, is that I'm swamped. I've still got a pretty
long todo list for XML Graphics and a lot of work with FOP and a few
other projects. That leaves me little room to help out here, I'm afraid,
though I would like to.

Maybe we could do some work during the ApacheCon EU Hackathon. Who's
there? I am.

Jeremias Maerki

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