Quarterly report from Apache Xalan to the ASF board

- Brian Minchau
  Apache Xalan PMC Chairperson


XML 1.1 support has been implemented by Xalan-C.

Redesign of XML serialization both for code simplification and for
performance is underway.

Support has been added for:
- Linux/XLC compiler
- gcc 3.4

Although this work is available in the latest development version
in CVS, it is awaiting the next Xalan-C release.


A monthly tele-conference (first Tuesday of each month) has been
started and has had a number of sessions. It is
open to all active Xalan-J committers to discuss JIRA issues,
and find volunteers to fix bugs. The JIRA issue database has been
kept up to date with the group's decisions.

A new Xalan-J 2.7 release, with a tentative release date in
mid July 2005 was approved by the Xalan PMC. Due to the JAXP 1.3
donation from Sun, and because Xerces is heading towards a 2.7
release that includes support for JAXP 1.3, the Xalan PMC voted
to have a new release a few weeks after Xerces tentative release
date. This gives Xalan-J time to make any adjustments to changes
in Xerces.

The future Xalan-J 2.7 release will contain support for:
- JAXP 1.3
- XML 1.1 (already committed to the development code base)

Morris Kwan, a Xalan-J committer, has volunteered to do the
bulk of the work needed for Xalan-J to support JAXP 1.3
(thanks Morris!).

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