I really thought I replied earlier! Yes, I would love to see a new release of xml-commons-external. However, there are a couple of questions we need answered. Anyone from the Xerces/Xalan teams want to chime in with the info, since they've done much of the maintenance in the past here?

- What are all the different branches of xml-commons-external code, and more importantly, what versions of DOM/SAX/JAXP are they each supposed to support?

- Who here has direct access to the appropriate JAXP 1.3 TCK and can run it on our code? While it's slightly legally unclear to me if an xml-commons-external release itself must pass the TCK, we really need to know if it will pass or not. (Given that xml-commons-external only includes the interfaces, and doesn't actually include an implementation of JAXP itself, I haven't studied if it has to independently pass the TCK, or if only implementers like Xerces/Xalan/etc have to pass the TCK itself.

- Shane

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