mr_L4N posted on Mon, 03 Oct 2016 10:42:27 +0200 as excerpted:


> this works,

Thanks, yes.

Again with the disclaimer that I do kde not gnome and thus am unlikely to
have a clue on gnome-specific issues, so the below is pretty general
gentoo boilerplate, not really specific to your issue...

The immediately obvious question is that given the problem appeared right
after an update, did you do a revdep-rebuild and an emerge --depclean
after your update?

It's possible you need to rebuild something else against the newly
installed package, and portage didn't catch it and do the rebuild
automatically as the version deps for what you need to rebuild aren't yet
that strict.  Revdep-rebuild can catch and rebuild many such packages, tho
it's gradually becoming less and less necessary as version deps are
updated to include the previously missing deps information (only newer
EAPIs allow specifying it properly, and particularly people on stable will
likely still have a number of older packages that don't have the newer and
stricter deps specified).

Depclean simply tells portage to clean up any old packages that are no
longer required by anything in @world but that haven't been uninstalled
yet.  As long as you run it regularly, you should have everything you want
in @world and it won't clean up anything you obviously need, but if you
have an install you've been updating for awhile without running depclean,
be sure to do a --pretend or --ask first, and carefully check what it
wants to remove, in case there's something in there you actually do want
to keep.  If so, you can add that to @world, and depclean won't try to
remove it any longer.

Also, do you do --deep updates, or not?  Skipping --deep will mean less
normally unnecessary updates to dependencies, but will occasionally miss a
necessary one, if there's a mistake in the specified deps for a package. 
Be aware that if you don't normally do --deep and try it, you'll likely
have quite a long list of updates.  You can either just let them happen,
or pick thru the list manually, updating anything that looks like it might
be related to your problem, while leaving the rest alone.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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