Thanks Duncan to suggest an obviuos solution that I'm not considering.

With a deep update and clean, now system works "almost" fine...damn systemd.

Now I'm ready to start a new mistake for a disk (NTFS partition) in
auto-mount with fuse, that I can see in shell, but not in gnome...after
an update.

Il 05/10/2016 14:33, Duncan ha scritto:
> mr_L4N posted on Wed, 05 Oct 2016 13:46:15 +0200 as excerpted:
>> I've launche revdep-rebuild; it found 2 problems about libcamel and
>> libedataserver. Portage is unable to automatic repair and §I'm working
>> on it.
>> I think that these libraries, aren't blocking my DE. Are you agree?
> Based on name only (they don't seem to be in the tree so I can't query 
> the descriptions) I don't see why they would, unless the DE's doing 
> something exotic with them, anyway.  


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