On Dec 2, 2006, at 7:57 PM, Bryan Green wrote:

I'd very interested in the different approaches here. I had thought about a static portage tree, but that left the problem of getting needed updates,
especially GLSA's.  Your suggested approach sounds very interesting.
How big of an extra administrative burden does that create? Maintaining our own version controlled portage tree might be a hard sell. Thanks for the script - I'll take a look at it. Is there any documentation out there about
a static portage tree?

On gentoo-dev there is a discussion going on about a sort of gentoo stable tree. Chris Gianelloni (if i remember it correctly) stated that he wanted to create a 2007.1 tree with the 2007.1 release and only put security fixes and required packages of security fixes in...

I did not make it clear: He wants to take a snapshot of the tree when 2007.1 will be released and then like above.

_But_ there are like 50 more unread messages of the thread in my mailbox, so might be this is not true anymore. Look at the gentoo-dev archives.

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