I'm not a gentoo dev (just a satisfied user), but I lurk on this list.

I was at PyCon last month.  I would estimate that about 40% of the
people there ran linux on their laptops.  The most popular distros
were gentoo and ubuntu.  (Not this is not a scientific study, just my
observations from talking to people there).  While I was there the
person next to me starting hacking the ebuild classes to handles eggs
(so he could emerge turbogears).  I talked to at least 3 others who
were running gentoo.   I asked all of them if they had worked on
portage.  Most said "No, the code is a little scary".  (I'll concur
with that sentiment, as the code doesn't feel very pythonic).

If you want to attract more developers (python people), a few things are needed:

 * Portage documentation.  How the innards work.  There is very little
docs/comments in the portage code
 * Unittests - without this how do I know that my change to portage
didn't break someone else's corner case
 * Refactoring into a more pythonic style.  Note that this is pretty
hard without unittests.

Take this as a grain of salt, from an observer, who believes that
there are a lot of potential users (who know python), and who could
easily contribute, if the bar was lowered a bit.  (Or steps were
provided to reach a little higher ;))


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