Steve Long schrieb:
>>> In terms of maintaining the metadata, am I right in thinking it's all
>>> just kept within the text files in the tree?
>> Since the tree itself is the best database of the packages available,
>> anything else would be a lot more overhead.
> I really don't agree, altho I could well be missing something. Surely there
> should be a maintenance/QA database which tracks the tree and where you
> could put information like this (ie a boolean flag for this instance) which
> simply shouldn't be exposed to users. There's no need for it, it doesn't
> effect them, and why should it go in the ebuilds where a maintainer might
> delete it?

You are totally right. Though there's one little effect: Before someone
files a bug because the package does not depend on a CC, (s)he will have
to know whether it's already checked. But if the DB is public, that's
not an issue.

>> But I had the impression the idea was discarded anyway. So I should
>> focus my thoughts somewhere else :-)
> Please focus your thoughts wherever you wish. I gotta ask tho; what idea? I
> thought we were just talking about excess dependencies in the tree.

I somehow lost track of the messages in this thread, but the idea of
having large scale dependencies any system package needed seemed not
realistically doable.
If it's just about adding virtual/c-toolchain, was there arguments
against it?


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