Arttu V. wrote:
On 1/24/10, Benny Pedersen <> wrote:
should not be marked as system ?

it removes python-wrapper and this remove python link from
/usr/bin/python linked to /usr/bin/python-wrapper so all portage does
not work after this, but i solved it with a quickpkg from another host

my dump question why is it not listed as a system pkg when it really
seems so important ?

Nearly identical question was mulled over in a discussion last spring
over at gentoo-user list. Scan for "ARGH I uninstalled python" in the
archives if you are interested.

IIRC there was a suggestion to make the system set dynamically grow to
contain all of the required dependencies of the packages explicitly
listed in the system set, but I'm not sure if it went anywhere.

Anyways, the current contents of @system cause all kinds of surprises,
for example to FEATURES="buildsyspkg" users who rely on the feature
without realizing how small (and even "incomplete") @system actually

I just picked a random reply here. My $0.02 worth. If I try to remove portage itself, I get this:

r...@smoker / # emerge -Ca portage

>>> These are the packages that would be unmerged:
* Not unmerging package sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc61 since there is no valid
* reason for portage to unmerge itself.

>>> No packages selected for removal by unmerge
r...@smoker / #

It appears you can't even remove portage at all. Now call me silly, couldn't it be said that removing something that would prevent the package manager from working constitute a little warning? After all, most likely the person is not thinking clearly that day and most likely doesn't REALLY want to do this.

Is there not a way to at the very least post a warning and then ask a 'are you sure' question like it does with the -a option?

It's just that as a newbie ages ago, I did this too. I didn't realize that it was a nasty boo boo until afterwards.
< dale crawls back under his rock >


:-) :-)

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