El vie, 05-03-2010 a las 22:06 +0100, Ben de Groot escribió:
> > If no, I can split off utils from poppler - with CMake it's effortless.
> We just rejoined the split poppler into one package again. So if you
> are going to split it up again, you will have some explaining to do to
> our users. I would like to prevent splitting, and see if we can fix maybe
> the cups ebuild instead. Or maybe the gtk+ maintainers want to split
> up their package... I understand they like that sort of thing.
> Cheers,

I think that it will be easy to explain users that we *need* to split
poppler and poppler-utils to prevent circular dependencies.

About splitting others... well, sometime ago I saw that cups is being
split in Arch (having cups and libcups) when trying to investigate how
to deal with avahi -> gtk+ -> cups -> avahi circular dep problems (bug
222601), but I don't know if it could help with this case and how much
work would it require :-/

Best regards

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