> > In any case, you can always extract the full base tarball from the
> > installation CD.  You will get more than what is needed but you
> > wont have to reinstall.  It messes a little the system but you
> > can always remove later any files not owned by any installed ebuilds.
> Thank you, this is what I'll do.
> > David
> -d

Well, bad news. I re-extracted the tarball, and all seemed to be going well. 
It still booted, and there were no segfaults. I emerged sync'ed again to see 
if portage is working, and it seemed fine. So I start with installing vim 
(can't stand nano ;)) and it wants to install a few packages, (ctags, 
vim-core, vim, gentoo-syntax) so off I go. It gets through ctags just fine, 
but then drops me back at a prompt, even though there were no errors! Huh?

So I try again:

eden etc # emerge -vp vim
Segmentation fault
eden etc # ls -l
Segmentation fault

I don't know why it is doing this, and I no longer care. I am just going to 
reinstall, as I don't really want to begin this systems life in such a 
botched state, even if it is possible to fix.

I do appreciate your help though, and hopefully with a clean slate things will 
go better for me :)

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 :: http://badcomputer.org
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

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