I have an ATI card that is using the generic radeon driver at the moment.  Yes, lcd brightness is working & the so is the ambient light snesor - I base that claim ont he fact that the lcd brightness changes intensity when i turn off the lights.


Do you have working the lcd brightness??, what kind of grafic card do you
have?. I'm using a 12" pbook 867Mhz with a gentoo from two years ago and I
don't check hardware configuration since a long time ago. Is the nvidia
and lcd light runing??

tnks, (& sorry for my english)

I am running gentoo on a 15" aluminum powerbook.  I am using the
2.6.16.r kernel and pbbuttonsd 0.7.4.  I have been going over the man
pages & online documentation but cannot figure out how to get the
illuminated keyboard working.  pbbuttonsd does not error during load.
The pbbuttonsd.conf file has not been modified from the default at the
moment.  i2c-dev is compiled into the kernel, not as a module.  The LCD
brightness buttons work but the keyboard light buttons dont.  The
ambient light sensor appears to working because the lcd automatically
adjusts brightness when I turn out the lights.  There are 8 i2c devices
in /dev.

What dependencies does i2c have?  what dependencies does pbbuttonsd have?

Thanks for your input...

Eric Robertson
gentoo-ppc-user@gentoo.org mailing list



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